As you know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Before COVID, this probably never meant much to me. Now, it’s my everything and I protect my Mental Health fiercely. 🙏🏼
No one is immune to mental health issues. I don’t care how much yoga or meditation you do, how much money you have, how much family love and support surrounds you-the uncertainty of this world, the shrinking of our finances, the fear for our children and the world the are growing up in, the breaking down of all things we have known to be true and the rise of the unknown power of AI, crazy climate change, out of control crime and the actual possibility of war-consciously or unconsciously eats away at our peace of mind.
It is time to release the stigma around Mental Health and reach out when in need. Your mental health has a DIRECT effect on your physical health and if not addressed, we quickly end up with both and that’s a hard place to build back from-but we can! Trust me, I’ve been there and I’ve worked extremely hard over these last two years to truly get to a place where I feel at peace, no matter what!

We must all fiercely protect our sanity by taking time each day to:
- Breathe Consciously: Try 10 deep breaths as you wake and before you sleep. Keep it simple: Breathe in through the nose for 5 counts and out through the nose for 5 counts while staying focused on your breath. Powerful!
- Meditate: Even for 5 minutes. Allow yourself to drop out of the mind, the thinking center and into your heart, your being center. In just a few minutes, you’ll arrive at your BE-ing center where all is calm. Priceless!
- Move: Move your body for at least 45 minutes. Practice yoga. lift weights, walk, run – do something every day! There is nothing like exercise to raise your vibration! Non-Negotiable!
- Get Outside: Spend time in Mother Nature, especially at sunrise or sunset. Beautiful!
- Give Thanks: Be in a state of gratitude, no matter what your life looks like at this moment in time. Life Changing!
- Rest Well: Get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. This is Everything!!